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Drawing birds wings with Sarah Simblet

Dr. Sarah Simblet

In this one-off workshop the acclaimed author, artist and educator Dr. Sarah Simblet will lead us through a weekend of drawing birds and birds wings, using drawing to examine, explore and imagine. Sarah will show us examples of her own work in her sketchbook and talk us through her personal drawing process while gently supporting everybody at the workshop to find their own methods for exploring and representing the structures and textures of bird wings. The workshop is aimed at adults with some drawing experience; we also welcome mature teenage students and can accommodate all levels of availability and confidence.

What to Expect

Day 1 – Following an introductory talk about the structure & function of bird’s wings and an introduction to our drawing materials you will be guided through making a series drawings of birds and feathers at the Draw studio.

Day 2 – On day two we will meet at the Booth Museum at 10am to draw from the birds skeleton’s under Sarah’s support and instruction. After returning to the Draw studio for lunch we will be joined by Wild Life Drawing, who will bring live birds of prey into the studio for us to draw from.

Day 3 (Optional) – If you’d like to deepen your understanding further our third, optional day can be booked separately HERE. Dr. Simblet is a renowned anatomist and leads dissections at Oxford University; in this final day you will be guided through a dissection of a bird’s wing, drawing from what you discover about the mechanisms of flight. The birds used in these dissections were not killed for the purpose of the workshop.

What you need to bring

All of the materials for the workshop will be provided, although you are welcome to bring your own preferred drawing materials with you on the day. You may wish to bring a folder or art tube to take your drawings home in; easels, padded & backed chairs, drawing boards and tables are provided for all students.

Getting to the studio

You may arrive at 9:45am onwards. Approach New England House from the New England Street side of the building and walk up to the locked blue double doors next to the sign for the ‘Building Manager’s Office’. Wait to be let in or call the number on the door for entry - the studio is on level 5, Unit 1 South, just knock and walk in. There is parking at London Road car park, Elder Place & Trafalgar St car parks; Brighton station is a 5 minute walk from the studio.


The discounted rate is available for anybody on low income, students or Patreon supporters. Sign up to the Draw Patreon from just £3.60 per month to get access to the discount, online life drawing course, live online classes and personal feedback from our tutors. Whether you are a Patreon supporter or not, you can post your drawings on the Draw community Facebook group and you are welcome to tag us with @draw_brighton and #drawbrighton on Instagram.

Safety & accessibility

For the wellbeing of everybody at the class please don’t come to the class if you are ill with contagious symptoms. If you have any accessibility needs, please do let us know beforehand and we will do everything we can to make sure you can enjoy the life classes here. The building has a wheelchair ramp at the North side of the New England Street entrance and lifts up to level 5 with gender-neutral toilets & accessible toilets on floors 4 & 6 accessed by lift. We keep the studio a safe environment by providing:

  • Monitored ventilation (aiming for <900ppm CO2)
  • Air purification with HEPA filters
  • Sick pay for our freelance life models
  • If you have covid, flu or bad cold symptoms we ask you not to attend - you will receive a refund as well as our appreciation!
Time: 10:00 → 16:00
Location: The Draw Studio

Tuition: Weekend WorkshopTutored


( £165.00)