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Planographic Printing at Home (4 week course)

Planographic printmaking is the print process wherein the ink is transferred to the paper from a flat surface. Lithography and monotype fall into this category. This form of printmaking translates the drawn mark incredibly faithfully and allows for a huge amount of subtlety in the mark making. So if you like drawing then this is the course for you. We will also be using chocolate to draw with for a fun twist! Expect kitchen lithography, painterly monotypes, chine collé and monoprint drawing. Printmaking is not just the straight-forward reproduction of an image, it is an engaging and absorbing process, an act of image making that can transform your ideas and drawings into something spectacular, that can’t be replicated in any other medium.

This online printmaking course will allow you to learn new and develop existing skills in printmaking and image making, while working at your own pace. Scarlett will show you how to set up a printing space in your home and how to work to professional standards, whether you're working in your home studio or on your kitchen table. We will recreate the social and community feel of an in-person class in our weekly live sessions through Zoom and with our online forum, where you will be able to share photos of your works in progress with the group and give each other feedback and support.

How it will work

Every Monday during the 4 week course you will get access to instructional videos explaining and demonstrating different planographic techniques. You will be able to watch these videos and print-along with them at your own speed throughout the week. On the Saturday of that week you will join a small Zoom session (max 8 students) where you will all be working together in your shared zoom-studio. In this session you will be able to ask questions and share your successes and failures with the group, and Scarlett will be able to give further demonstrations when needed.

You will also be invited to join the Print Club, an online forum on discord.com shared by all Printmaking at Home students and alumni. You will be able to share your prints, questions, inspirations and works-in-progress with the whole community and in a private group just for the members of this course. For the last week of the course you will be sent a bonus video with an advanced printmaking technique for you to try when you are feeling confident to. The materials for the bonus video are not provided in the materials box but can be easily sourced if you want to give it a try. Throughout the weeks you will also be able to contact Scarlett for specific feedback on your prints.

Course timetable:

Week 1

Mon 5th February / You will receive videos covering an Introduction to Planographic Print, Registration & Printing with a press & Kitchen Lithography
Saturday 10th February Live Zoom workshops / 10-12pm

Week 2

Mon 12th February / You will receive videos covering Monotype & Chine-collé
Saturday 17th February / Live Zoom workshops / 10-12pm

Week 3

Mon 19th February / You will receive videos covering monoprint Drawing & Hand Tinting
Saturday 24th February / Live Zoom workshops / 10-12pm

Week 4

Mon 26th February / You will receive videos covering Combined Print Processes and a bonus video on Paper Plate Lithography*
Saturday 2nd March / Live Zoom workshops / 10-12pm & 4-6p

(You will also have the opportunity to join the 4-6pm sessions as well)

Preparing for the Online Course

A week before the start of the course there will be a short Zoom meeting to introduce the course to everyone and familiarise yourself with the Zoom app, providing the opportunity for a Q&A about the course and materials you will be using and allowing you time to order materials before the course start date the following week.

What you will need for the online sessions:

  • A tablet, smartphone or computer with a microphone & camera
  • A free Zoom account - you can sign up to Zoom here.
  • A free discord account for the online forum - you can sign up to discord here.


As part of the full price course you will receive a materials box including all the basic materials you will need for the course. All students will need to source some additional materials; the course also includes a special discount code that can be used at Handprinted.co.uk - these extra materials will cost no more than £30 and you may already have some at home.

If you join for the discounted rate you will not receive a materials box and will need to source all the following materials. If you book without a materials box Scarlett will send you a shopping list with links for U.K. and international sites to source these materials as well as alternative substitutes.

Provided in the materials box:

  • 2 backing plates (acrylic or metal)
  • 2 pots of lithographic printmaking ink
  • A4 printmaking paper x 20 (Fabriano Rosapina 220gsm)
  • A4 cartridge paper x 20 (Seawhite 220gsm)
  • A4 Pei Zei Xuan papers x 5
  • Cellulose Sponge
  • Chinagraph Pencil
  • Selection of tissue papers for chine-collé
  • Chocolate selection
  • A4 tissue paper
  • Newsprint
  • Pair of gloves

Extra materials that you will need to provide*:

  • Printmaking roller
  • (Desirable) Palette knife
  • Paintbrush
  • PVA/glue stick
  • Watercolours/gouache
  • (Desirable) Sharpie/oil pastel/Indian ink
  • Vegetable oil/Solvent to clean up
  • Rags/kitchen towel/newspaper to clean up
  • Wooden spoon/printing press
  • (Desirable) ~A3 piece of acetate/plastic for registration
  • (Optional Extra for Paper Plate Lithography) Gum arabic, black and white photocopies/laser prints*

*Further details will be provided on booking


Cost of delivery for the materials box is included for UK addresses. If you live outside of the UK there will be an additional postage cost, please email info@draw-brighton.co.uk if you live outside the UK and would like to join the course with the materials box.


The cost of the course has been calculated in an effort to make it affordable and accessible, so there is no standard discount offered. However if you would like to take part in the course but the full cost is a barrier to you then please email contact@scarlettrebecca.co.uk with a brief explanation and we will hopefully be able to accommodate you.

Time: 10:00 → 12:00
Location: Zoom

Tuition: Weekend WorkshopTutored


( £85.00)